Add/Update Information: Susan Saint James - Actor

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    Person Name سوزان سانت جيمس
    Person Name in English Susan Saint James
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    Nationality US
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1946-08-14
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    Dalia Saad

    An American actress, born in Los Angeles, California, on August 14, 1946, as Susan Jane Miller. She won an Emmy in 1969 and received a star on the Walk of Fame in 2008. Susan married the writer Richard Neubert (1967-1968), then she married the makeup artist Tom Lucas (1971-1979), with whom she had two children, then she married the producer and writer Dick Ebersol in 1981 and had three children with him. Among her most important works are The Name of the Game (1968), McMillan & Wife (1971), Love at First Bite (1979), and Kate & Allie (1984). She worked in her teens as a model in France and America, then went to Hollywood to try her luck, which quickly got her a contract with Universal for seven years. She joined the television industry in 1966 and continued her work in cinema and television then turned to theatrical work. By the end of the eighties, she retired, moved to Connecticut, and devoted all her time to taking care of her five children and charitable work, especially the Special Olympics.


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