Add/Update Information: Essam Al Kazmi - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name عصام الكاظمي
    Person Name in English Essam Al Kazmi
    Birth Name محمد عصام عادل زيد عبدالحسين الكاظمي
    Birth Name in English Essam Adel Zaid Abdul Hussein Al Kazemi
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Kuwait
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1974-02-03
    Died on
    Birth Country Kuwait
    Birth City
    Death Country
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

    Social Links
    instagram esamalkazemi
    imdb nm16587824


    Name Biography Official ? Options
    Shaimaa Saied

    A Kuwaiti actor and theater director who worked as a biology teacher in the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education. He is the founder and director of the Conscious Generation theater group, which presented many plays and won a number of awards. He is a speech, acting, and theatrical makeup trainer. He was the first Kuwaiti artist to win the British Council Award for Entrepreneurs in the Performing Arts in 2008. Among the other awards he won was the Theatrical Performances Award in the Ministry of Education competition in the State of Kuwait in 2005 and 2007. His credits include Travel Path, Life Sisters, and Stranded.


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    Section Writer

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    1) عناية مركزة

    Section Director

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Editor

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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