An American writer, she has written several action films, such as (Pompeii), (Batman Forever), (My Name is Modesty), and (Alpha), and in collaboration with her writing partner (Lee Batchelor), she worked on writing the film (Midnight Ride) for (Infinitum Nihil) and (Walt Disney...Read more Pictures), the film tells the story of (Paul Revere)'s adventure, which resulted in the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, while her film (Batman Forever) achieved a high position at the box office in 1995. Batchelor broke into the world of directing with her short film (The Spittin' Image), adapted from a short story by (Walter Wangren). As a graduate of the American Film Institute's Directing Workshop for Women, (Janet) served on the board of directors of the Alliance of Women Directors from 2004 to 2010. (Janet) also lectured at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, where she taught screenwriting to graduates and students. She has also lectured at many universities.
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An American writer, she has written several action films, such as (Pompeii), (Batman Forever), (My Name is Modesty), and (Alpha), and in collaboration with her writing partner (Lee...Read more Batchelor), she worked on writing the film (Midnight Ride) for (Infinitum Nihil) and (Walt Disney Pictures), the film tells the story of (Paul Revere)'s adventure, which resulted in the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, while her film (Batman Forever) achieved a high position at the box office in 1995. Batchelor broke into the world of directing with her short film (The Spittin' Image), adapted from a short story by (Walter Wangren). As a graduate of the American Film Institute's Directing Workshop for Women, (Janet) served on the board of directors of the Alliance of Women Directors from 2004 to 2010. (Janet) also lectured at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, where she taught screenwriting to graduates and students. She has also lectured at many universities.