Add/Update Information: Nina Foch - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name نينا فوش
    Person Name in English Nina Foch
    Birth Name نينا كونسولو مود فوك
    Birth Name in English Nina Consuelo Maud Fock
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Netherlands
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1924-04-20
    Died on 2008-12-05
    Birth Country Netherlands
    Birth City Zuid-Holland
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason إضطراب الخلايا الجذعية المكونة للدم.
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    Christina Aziz

    An American-Dutch actress, born in Leiden, Netherlands. She won an award at the Venice Film Festival, an NBR Award, and two stars on the Walk of Fame in 1960. She married three husbands and had one son. She is known for The Ten Commandments (1956), An American in Paris (1951), Spartacus (1969), and Executive Suite (1954). She worked as an assistant director with George Stevens in the movie Diary of Anne Frank (1959) and worked as theater director as well as an acting coach in many films. She taught at the University of Southern California and the American Film Institute. She is the daughter of the famous composer Dirk Fock and the silent theater and film actress Consuelo Flowerton. She signed a contract with Columbia Pictures at the age of 19. Her first film was The Return of the Vampire (1943), followed by several roles. She focused on television work that she started at the end of the forties and continued until the beginning of the new millennium. She died in Los Angeles, California, USA on December 5, 2008.


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