Add/Update Information: Leonid Kinskey - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name ليونيد كينسكي
    Person Name in English Leonid Kinskey
    Birth Name
    Birth Name in English
    Nickname جنون روسى
    Nickname in English Mad Russian
    Nationality Russia
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1903-04-18
    Died on 1998-09-08
    Birth Country Belarus
    Birth City
    Death Country US
    Death City Arizona
    Death Reason مضاعفات سكتة دماغية
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    farah ashraf

    A Russian actor born in Saint Petersburg, on April 18, 1903. He got married three times and he had no children.He is a Russian/German/American theater, film and television actor with a long career. He emigrated from Russia after the communist revolution in 1917. He worked in theaters in Europe and then came to Hollywood via Latin America to become an actor for foreign characters. Eventually he became an American citizen, to present his first film, Trouble in Paradise 1932. His most important works include: Duck Soup (1933), Casablanca (1942), The Big Broadcast (1932) and Les Miserables (1935). He died in Valentine Hills, Arizona, USA on September 8, 1998 from complications of a stroke.


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