Add/Update Information: Susheela Raman - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name سوشيلا رامان
    Person Name in English Susheela Raman
    Birth Name
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    Nationality UK
    gender female
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    farah ashraf

    A British singer who was born in London to Tamil parents and grew up in Australia. She became involved in classical South Indian singing at a very young age. Since her childhood, she wanted to preserve the Tamil ethnic culture. As a singer and composer, she moves between musical styles with amazing elegance, not caring about anything. She has the rare ability to transition from singing in Sanskrit to a Throbbing Gristle song. Proposing a special, magical musical world wrapped in a tinge of mystery, Sushila Raman, along with Sam Mills, her ever-accompanied bassist, has engaged in a series of ambitious cross-cultural works - albums and artistic projects that explore the different dimensions of South Asian music, whether classic, folk, or modern. Her album, Ghost Gamelan, was released in 2018, and it was distinguished by the notes of the gamelan (a group of musical instruments used especially in the music of the Bali and Java region.


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    1) Gypsy

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    Section Dubbing

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