Add/Update Information: Ivan F. Simpson - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name إيفان إف سيمبسون
    Person Name in English Ivan F. Simpson
    Birth Name إيفان فريبودي سيمبسون
    Birth Name in English Ivan Freebody Simpson
    Nickname in English
    Nationality UK
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1875-02-04
    Died on 1951-10-12
    Birth Country UK
    Birth City
    Death Country US
    Death City New York
    Death Reason
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    Christina Aziz

    A British actor, born in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, as Ivan Freebody Simpson. His works include Captain Blood (1935), Maid of Salem (1937), and The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938). He became a Hollywood supporting actor and worked for 4 decades on Broadway from 1906 until his death. He worked in cinema starting in 1915 in silent cinema, and his first film was The Dictator (1915), and in the 1930s, he was a successful character actor in talking cinema, playing supporting roles and appearing in many classics. His last film was My Girl Tisa (1948), and he died in New York City, New York, USA, on October 12, 1951.


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