Add/Update Information: Peter Mamakos - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name بيتر ماماكوس
    Person Name in English Peter Mamakos
    Birth Name بيتر جون ماماكوس
    Birth Name in English Peter John Mamakos
    Nickname in English
    Nationality US
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1918-12-14
    Died on 2008-04-27
    Birth Country US
    Birth City Massachusetts
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason
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    Christina Aziz

    An American actor, born in Somerville, Massachusetts, USA. He got married and had a daughter born in 1955 and a son born in 1957. He is known for Batman (1966), Adventures of Superman (1953), and The Ten Commandments (1956). He was of Greek descent, and his father owned a chain of restaurants in New England. He was sent to California to discover new locations for restaurants, but he loved Hollywood so much that he decided to stay there. He refused his father's offer of $50,000 in cash and a quarter-million-dollar nightclub and didn't return to Boston. He played the roles of Greek, Indian, Spanish, French, Italian, and Middle Eastern villains from the 1940s to the 1990s. He started out in theater in 1939 and moved to cinema and television in the late 1940s. In his first seven months in Hollywood, he appeared in eight films, including Trail of the Yukon (1949) and Tuna Clipper (1949). He worked in more than a hundred TV series, and he also wrote several TV episodes. He died in Paso Robles, California, USA on April 27, 2008.


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