Add/Update Information: Jeanne Dante - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name جين دانتي
    Person Name in English Jeanne Dante
    Birth Name جين جيفورد بارتلي
    Birth Name in English Jeanne Gifford Bartley
    Nickname in English
    Nationality US
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1923-04-18
    Died on 1985-12-10
    Birth Country US
    Birth City Virginia
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason
    mobile number
    phone number

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    Christina Aziz

    An American actress, born in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. She was married to the actor Robert Emlin (1946-1985), had two children, and remained with him until her death. She is known for Four Days Wonder (1936), Life with Elizabeth (1953), Medic (1956), and M Squad (1958). She began her film career as a child actress after achieving success on Broadway as Universal introduced her in the movie Four Days Wonder (1936), but she did not achieve the expected success. She then took a long hiatus and made a comeback after becoming a young woman with MGM in the movie Bannerline (1951). She played several supporting roles, in addition to appearing in some TV works. She retired in the late 1950s. She died in Los Angeles, California, USA on December 10, 1985.


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    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Options
    1) The Opposite Sex
    2) Three Smart Girls

    Section Writer

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    Section Director

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Producer

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    Section Distributor

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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