Add/Update Information: Madge Blake - Actor

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    Person Name مادج بليك
    Person Name in English Madge Blake
    Birth Name مادج كامينجز
    Birth Name in English Madge Cummings
    Nickname in English
    Nationality US
    gender female
    Date of Birth 1899-05-31
    Died on 1969-02-19
    Birth Country US
    Birth City Kansas
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason سكتة قلبية
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    Christina Aziz

    Madge Blake was an American actress born in Kinsley, Kansas, USA, as Madge Cummings. In 1919, Madge married James Lincoln Blake, and they had a child before their divorce. Her most important works include Batman: The Movie (1966), Leave It to Beaver (1958-1963), Batman (1966-1967), and The Prowler (1951). Her father, a Methodist circuit rider, discouraged her from working as an actress. She married and worked with her husband on the construction of the detonator for the atomic bomb in Utah during World War II. She and her husband did jobs testing equipment used in the Manhattan Project. She studied acting at the Pasadena Playhouse, followed by 20 years of television and film appearances. Madge Blake began her film career at the age of fifty and appeared in the movie Adam's Rib (1949), starring Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. She continued to work very actively in film and television. She died in Pasadena, California, USA, on February 19, 1969, of a cardiac arrest.


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