Add/Update Information: Karan Ashley - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name كاران أشلي
    Person Name in English Karan Ashley
    Birth Name كاران اشلي جاكسون
    Birth Name in English Karan Ashley Jackson
    Nickname in English
    Nationality US
    gender female
    Date of Birth
    Died on
    Birth Country US
    Birth City Texas
    Death Country
    Death Reason
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    Christina Aziz

    American actress, producer, and writer, born in Odessa, Texas, United States as Karan Ashley Jackson. She married Kimani Ballard. She started her career as a singer in the girl group KRUSH, and their first single was "Let's Get Together". She had considerable experience in dancing. After five years in the band, she decided to pursue a career in acting and participated in many commercials. She won an important role in Power Rangers episodes and presented nearly 80 episodes. She participated in production and writing as well. She is known for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994-1996), Nerd Love (2014), and Surge of Power: Revenge of the Sequel (2016).


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