Add/Update Information: Felix Dafauce - Actor

    Basic Information

    Person Name فيليكس دافاوسي
    Person Name in English Felix Dafauce
    Birth Name فيليكس دافوس تارانكون
    Birth Name in English Felix Dafauce Tarancon
    Nickname in English
    Nationality Spain
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1896-11-13
    Died on 1990-10-05
    Birth Country Spain
    Birth City
    Death Country Spain
    Death City
    Death Reason
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    farah ashraf

    Spanish actor born in Madrid, Spain on November 13, 1896. He presented more than 160 works during 6 decades. He began his cinematic career in 1925 with a silent film, then worked in the theater until the early forties, when he returned to film work, and in the mid-sixties he began his television work. He received the CEC Spanish Film Writers Award for Best Supporting Actor 1952, and the Spanish National Guild Award for Best Supporting Actor 1976. Among his most important works are: Surcos (1951), The Man Who Knew Love (1976), and Estudio 1 (1965-1982). He died in Madrid, Spain on October 5, 1990.


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    Section Actor

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    1) 55 Days in Peking
    2) Placido

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