Biographies: Jimmy Breslin - Actor


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American journalist, born on October 17, 1928, in Jamaica in the United States, to an Irish Catholic family. He and his sister were raised by their mother, a high school teacher and investigator in the Department of Social Welfare in New York City, during the Great Depression in the United States. He joined Long Island University from 1948 to 1950. He did not graduate due to chronic alcoholism. He began working at the Long Island Press as a copy boy in the 1940s. After graduating from college he became a columnist. His early columns were attributed to politicians and ordinary people who chatted with them at various watering holes near Queensboro Hall. He was a columnist for the New York Herald Tribune, Daily News, New York Journal American, Newsday, The Daily Beast, National Police Gazette, and others. He died on March 19, 2017, in Manhattan, in the United States of pneumonia.