Add/Update Information: Vicente Padula - Actor

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    Person Name فيسنتي بادولا
    Person Name in English Vicente Padula
    Birth Name فينسنتي بادولا
    Birth Name in English Vincente Padula
    Nickname فينسينت بادولا
    Nickname in English Vincent Padula
    Nationality Argentina
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1898-07-14
    Died on 1967-01-16
    Birth Country Argentina
    Birth City Buenos Aires
    Death Country US
    Death City California
    Death Reason إلتهاب الغشاء البريتوني (الصفاق)
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    Dalia Saad

    An Argentine actor, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 14, 1898. Among his most important works are El cuerpo del delito (1930), Canaima (1945), and I Love Lucy (1956). Vicente Padula moved to the United States of America in the mid-fifties, appearing regularly in Hollywood films, as well as making films in Mexico. Padula was friends with Argentine film star Carlos Gardel and appeared in several of his American films, including Melodía de arrabal (1933), which was one of the highest-grossing films in their home country of Argentina that year. Padula made his film debut in Winds of the Pampas (1927), and ended his career with an episode of The Virginian (1965). He died in Glendale, California, USA, on January 16, 1967, at the age of 68.


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    Section Actor

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    1) Serenade
    2) The Loretta Young Show

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