Add/Update Information: Toke Townley - Actor

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    Person Name توك تاونلي
    Person Name in English Toke Townley
    Birth Name توك أنتوني تاونلي
    Birth Name in English Toke Anthony Townley
    Nickname in English
    Nationality UK
    gender male
    Date of Birth 1912-11-06
    Died on 1984-09-28
    Birth Country UK
    Birth City Essex
    Death Country UK
    Death City
    Death Reason نوبة قلبية
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    Salma El-Sharkawy

    An English actor, born on November 6, 1912, in England, UK, as Toke Anthony Townley. He was a part-time actor and a factory clerk. He became a professional actor in the middle of the 1940s while performing with the Birmingham Repertory. He gained recognition for his role in Emmerdale Farm (1972-1984), where he appeared for over 10 years. He is known for The Runaway Bus (1954), Look Back in Anger (1959), and Department S (1969). He was married to Doris Bramley. On September 28, 1984, at the age of 71, he died of a heart attack in England, UK. 


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