Basma Hesitant Concerning her Next Step Following Work on Dawoud’s “Rasaail Al Bahr” (“Letters from the Sea”)

  • News
  • 11:26 AM - 14 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Basma has recently been perusing several film screenplays in order to settle on one that she likes. Basma’s next production will represent her first return to cinema following the release of her latest film, “Rasaail Al Bahr” which was directed by renowned director Dawoud A’bd Al Sayyid. The film was in theaters last February. “Rasaail Al Bahr” featured the performances of Asser Yassin, Basma and Mohamed Lotfy. Dawoud wrote the screenplay for the film and directed it, he was also recently chosen to represent Egypt at the Oscars.Basma has related that she is facing quite a lot of difficulty in choosing her next film. She also added: “Performing in a film that was directed by someone of the calibre of Dawoud A’bd Al Sayyid was a step forward. Thus, my next step must be well considered. Although I benefitted greatly from working with Dawoud that period has nonetheless placed a burden on me by implying that my next feature should be better than, or at least at the same level, of my work with Dawoud. This restriction is very limiting in view of current film standards.”

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