Saber Al Ruba’y Rebuffs Rumors that He has Divorced His Wife

  • News
  • 09:57 AM - 15 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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Art circles have witnessed the circulation of rumors to the effect that Tunisian artist Saber Al Ruba’y has separated from his Tunisian wife “Salima”, mother to his two children “Safaa” and “Islam”. Ruba’y relationship with Salima goes back 15 years.The rumors had begun circulating 2 years ago, they further implied that Ruba’y plans to divorce his wife and marry a young Lebanese woman.Saber has refuted all such accounts, together with all embellishments that add that he desires to leave his wife, marry a young Lebanese woman and settle with her in Lebanon by saying: “These accounts have no basis in reality and are nothing more than baseless rumors.”

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