Ghada A’del Attacked by Rumors and Has Her Pay Reduced

  • News
  • 09:41 AM - 22 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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The past few days have seen the circulation of rumors claiming that Ghada A’del is pregnant with her sixth child – the artist is a mother to five children. This has caused several producers to choose not to collaborate with her this year. The exception, however, was the “Arab Screen” company which signed a contract with the performer pending confirmation that these recent rumors are untrue. However Ghada’s latest salary will be one million pounds less than the salary she received for her previous TV title “Farrah Al Ou’mdah” (“The Mayor’s Wedding”). That latest work of hers has not yet premiered. It was originally set to premier this previous month of Ramadan but producer Mohamed Fawzy elected to withdraw it due to the fact that he had only succeeded in promoting the work to two channels.

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