Yasmeen A’bd Al A’ziz Halts Her Projects Pending Her Delivery

  • News
  • 12:44 PM - 31 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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Youthful performer Yasmeen A’bd Al A’ziz has recently joined the ranks of female performers awaiting good news with the coming of the new year. Thus Yasmin has confirmed media reports that had circulated lately concerning her being pregnant with her second child and has decided to suspend all of her projects pending the birth of her child. Yasmin was very happy when she learned she was pregnant three months into it.Worthy of note is that Yasmin has been married to businessman Mohamed Halawa since the start of her artistic career which began more than ten years ago. The couple currently have one child named “Yasmin”.Yasmeen’s latest work was “Al Telata Yashtaghalonha” (“ All Three Men Are Taking Advantage of Her”) which featured the talents of Salah A’bdAllah, Ragaa Al Gadawwy, Lotfy Labib and Hala Fakher. The film is directed by A’li Edrees and adapts a screenplay that was authored by Youssif Mu’atty. Moreover, Mohamed Yassin produced the work on behalf of “Arabica Movies” while the “Al A’rabiyah li Al Cinema” company distributed the work. The title assumes a comedic context and relates the story of a girl that resists the efforts of three men who are trying to deceive her in one way or another.

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