Mounir: Egypt was Assaulted

  • News
  • 09:49 AM - 6 January 2011
  • 3 photos

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Musician Mohamed Mounir has returned to Egypt following a medical visit to Germany where he underwent risky surgery on his neck vertebrae. The procedure came following severe pain in his neck. It is expected that Mounir will continue to receive treatment in Cairo for a period of three weeks prior to his return to normal activity.Upon his return Mounir has stated that he has transitioned from physical pain to a much more severe sort of pain thus referring to the bombings which occurred at the Saints' Cathedral in Alexandria. Mounir has asserted that, like all other Egyptians, he feels profound anger and sadness towards what has happened and is deeply troubled by the needless loss of lives.Despite this bleak reality Mounir has nonetheless tried to find a silver lining with regards to what has happened. To this effect Mounir has stated that all great nations try to take advantage of challenges in order to start at a new beginning and thereafter reach new heights. Mounir added "We are a great nation that is experiencing a difficult moment but I am confident in our ability to overcome this hurdle. Moreover I believe that we can take this as a new beginning so as to become a more advanced state."Mounir also reasserted his belief that art brings reassurance with regards to a brighter future and that music is integral to a state's resurgence. Moreover Mounir also states that despite the fact that it is difficult to give an ear to music during such violent times it is nonetheless his duty as a musician to sing louder than ever.

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