Ghada A’del Joins the Cast of “Wahid Saheeh”

  • News
  • 11:48 AM - 13 January 2011
  • 2 photos

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Performer Ghada A’del has signed a contract with producer Ahmed al-Sobbky whereby the star will perform alongside Hany Salama in the title “Wahid Saheeh”. The screenplay for the work was authored by Tamer Habib and it will be directed by Ahmed A’laa. The contract was signed ahead of the commencement of filming which is set to begin towards the end of the upcoming month of February.“Wahid Saheeh” relates the story of an interior designer who is looking for some stability in his life. He thus comes up with a very specific criteria for a future bride and meets three women who fulfill the criteria at one level or another. The film features the talents of Hany Salama, Bassma, Kinda A’loush and Yosra el-Lozy. Ghada’s most recent works were the film titles “al-Wattar” (“The Chord”) - where she acted alongside Mostafa Sha’ban - and “Ibn al-Qonsol” (“Consul’s Son”) where she performed opposite Ahmed el-Sekka.

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