Wael Kafoury’s Brother is Arrested on the Suspicion of Stealing Jewels that are Worth $ 70,000

  • News
  • 01:16 PM - 14 January 2011
  • 2 photos

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Wael Kafoury is presently undergoing a rough stage in his life following the capture of his brother and cousin who are suspected of stealing jewels worth $ 70,000. The pair allegedly deceived a Beirut banker’s daughter and got a hold of the bank’s keys. They were later arrested whilst attempting to sell the stolen items.Reports have circulated in Lebanon to the effect that Wael Kafoury has attempted to reach a settlement with the jewel’s owners whereby he would organize the return of the remaining jewels and compensate the owners financially for the missing items. However it would seem as though the proposed settlement was refused. Efforts are being made to find some sort of legal recourse for Wael’s brother and cousin.

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