Rania Youssif, Sereen A’bd Al Nour and Wafaa A’mer Perform Alongside E’zzat al-A’laly in “Shader el-Samak”

  • News
  • 02:01 AM - 15 January 2011
  • 3 photos

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Rania Youssif, Sereen A’bd Al Nour and Wafaa A’mer have been nominated for leading roles in the TV drama “Shader el-Samak”. Screenwriter Islam Youssif is working on putting the last touches on the screenplay. The effort sees him collaborate with fellow screenwriter Haitham Wahid. The production is scheduled to air in the following month of Ramadan. Moreover, an agreement was worked out whereby E’zzat al-A’laly will assume the title’s leading role.Screenwriter Islam Youssif has stated that the events depicted in the series are completely different from those featured in the 1986 version of the production which had starred Ahmed Zakky and Nabila Ou’beid. Worthy of note is that this is Islam Youssif’s first experience writing a screenplay.

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