Tamer Housny Commences Preperations for His Summer Album

  • News
  • 03:50 PM - 15 January 2011
  • 4 photos

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Musician Tamer Housny has begun making preparations for his next album which is scheduled for release in the summer of 2011. In particular, Tamer Housny has completed recording a group of songs ahead of integrating them into his new album.Among the new tracks recorded by Tamer is a track titled “Akalimha” (“I Speak to Her”). The lyrics for that song were put together by Bahaa al-Deen Mohamed while the music was composed by Mohamed Raheem. Tamer has also recorded another track titled “Arouh Fein” (“Where Should I Go”). The lyrics for that work are credited to Amir Tou’eima whilst the music was composed by Tamer A’ly. Both tracks are distributed by Tamim.Housny has moreover recorded a third track titled “al-Youm fee Ba’dak”. The lyrics and musical composition for that track are credited to A’ziz al-Shafe’y. Distribution is handled by Nour.On another note, Tamer Housny has commenced shooting his scenes in the cinema production “A’mr wa Salma” – part three, last Thursday. Those scenes bring him together with performer Mayy E’zz al-Deen.It should be noted that following the completion of film work on his scenes in the aforementioned film, Tamer will resume shooting scenes for his new TV series “Adam”. That production sees him act alongside Mayy E’zz al-Deen, Durra and Donia Fouad.

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