Kinda A’loush: I Will Not Present Seductive Roles

  • News
  • 12:58 PM - 16 January 2011
  • 3 photos

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Syrian actress Kinda A’loush is experiencing a great deal of activity as of late following the success of her series “Ahl Cairo” (“Cairo’s People”) which saw her perform alongside Khaled el-Sawwy. Kinda is currently taking part in four cinematic productions which are “Bartita” – where she acts opposite Ahmed el-Sa’ddany and Donia Fouad, “Wahid Saheeh” – acting alongside Hany Salama and Menna Shalaby, “al-Fajoumy” opposite Khaled el-Sawwy and finally “al-Maslaha” (“The Asylum”) opposite Ahmed E’zz and Ahmed el-Sekka. Kinda has added that she did not plan for all of those projects to come all at once and explained: “When I agreed to some of those projects it was scheduled that a number of them would be completed before the start of others… However, due to reasons beyond my control some of the projects were delayed while others were pushed ahead and thus I found myself compelled to shoot all of the works at about the same time. This has put me under a lot of stress and I no longer have time for anything including sleep!”On another note, following her massive success amongst Egyptian audiences the actress has asserted that she still retains her original point of view with regards to seductive roles and has stated “I respect art in general and I respect other performers who assume seductive roles because I believe that performers could assume all types of characters. However I really don’t have the audacity to perform those types of roles as viewers till this day cannot distinguish between a performer’s true character and what they present onscreen.”

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