Samiha Returns to Cinema in a Role which Would See Her Act Alongside Mohamed Heneidy

  • News
  • 12:38 PM - 22 January 2011
  • 2 photos

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In a development which would be a significant surprise if it were to take place, the present days have witnessed negotiations that have sought to resolve the remaining details of a cinematic productions which would bring together the talents of renowned performer Samiha Ayyoub and Mohamed Heneidy. The production would be titled “Tetta Raheeba” (“Awesome Grandma”). The work would represent Samiha’s first return to cinema following an extended hiatus.On another note Samiha is presently conducting dry runs for her new theatrical production “Kann fee Wahda Sitt” (“Once, There Was a Lady”). The production, which was authored by Mahmoud al-Toukhy and directed by Khaled Galal is set to screen at the “al-Salam” theater. Performers Rashwan Tawfiq and Ahmed Zaher act alongside Samiha in that production.

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