Hend Sabry Leads a Blood Donation Campaign for Casualties of the Revolution

  • News
  • 09:53 AM - 6 February 2011
  • 3 photos

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Tunisian actress Hend Sabry was unable to partake in demonstration in Tahrir square and could not donate blood for casualties seeing as she is in the final stages of her pregnancy. However she has expressed her happiness with regards to the fact that her child will be born in a liberated land – whether that land will be her native country of Tunis which witnessed its own revolution on the 14th of the previous month of January and culminated in the ousting of former president Zein al-Abdin ben Ali or in her second home, Egypt which witnessed its own revolution on the 25th of January that sought to oust the regime of president Hosny Mubarak.Hend Sabry launched a major campaign through her facebook account in which she has called on youths to donate blood for those injured during the course of demonstrations. Sabry has published the telephone numbers and addresses of several hospital and donation points and has asked friends to donate blood if their health permits and to circulate the call to others.Hend Sabry supported the demands of demonstrators who have called for greater rights and a more promising future from the outset of the revolution.

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