Filmmakers Call for the Dismissal of the Head of their Syndicate

  • News
  • 11:14 AM - 10 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Members of the Filmmakers Syndicate have called for their head, Mus’aad Foudah, to be dismissed following his refusal to resign from his post as a show of support for demonstrators camped at Tahrir.The Filmmakers Syndicate had issued a statement in which its members had expressed their unequivocal support for the Revolution of the 25th of January. The statement further blamed the current regime for the killing of the martyrs who had lost their lives and distanced the syndicate from any previous statements issued by the syndicate head which supported the illegitimate and dictatorial regime. The principle article of the issued statement had demanded that the syndicate head resign so as to stymie his support for the regime. Foudah rejected that demand and subsequently requested his dismissal. Filmmakers further requested the dismissal of Media Minister Annas al-Faqy and ‘Abd Al Latif Mennawy, head of the news division, for allegedly insulting the intelligence of the public by disseminating material that defames participants in the revolution.

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