‘Umar el-Shereef Returns from Germany to Witness Celebrations for the Success of the Revolution and to Resume Work

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  • 12:19 PM - 14 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Actor ‘Umar el-Shereef is expected to return from Germany over the next few days to celebrate the success of the revolution alongside the people of Egypt. ‘Umar had been forced to leave Egypt a week after the revolution had started in order to undergo medical tests to determine whether the pain in his foot required a surgery.Upon his return, Shereef is expected to begin preliminary preparations for his new film title “Isha’aa Wahida la Takfee” (“One Rumor Does Not Suffice”). ‘Umar had signed a contract with producer Mohamed Yassin for the leading role in the film prior to travelling. Ahmed ‘Ezz and Donia Samir Ghanem will also present leading roles alongside ‘Umar el-Shereef. The screenplay for the film was authored by Youssif Mu’atee and it is directed by Lebanese director Sa’id al-Marouq.‘Umar el-Shereef had expressed his solidarity with the youth-led revolution of the 25th of January and had also expressed his hope that the revolution would succeed and achieve the aims which the martyrs had sacrificed their lives for, the martyrs who deserve the highest commendation. Furthermore, Shereef had expressed the need for the rapid delivery of the political changes which the youths had requested.

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