Menna Shalaby glad about the revolution of the 25th of January despite her distraught state

  • News
  • 12:15 PM - 16 February 2011
  • 3 photos

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Despite of her distraught mental state due to her father’s illness, actress Menna Shalaby has expressed her happiness and pride towards what the youths of the revolution of the 25th of January have achieved. She also adds that she was disappointed at not being able to take part in the revolution due to the fact that at the time she was in Paris with her father for a medical visit that involved open heart surgery. At present Menna is still with her father in Paris.Menna has asserted that she would have wished to have been in Egypt to witness the success of the revolution and the ousting of the regime. She also added that as soon as she returns to Egypt she will try to help and look for ways in which she could aid the youths of the revolution and in particular the martyrs.

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