‘Umar el-Shereef returns from Germany to take part in celebrations for the success of the revolution

  • News
  • 01:42 PM - 19 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Revered actor ‘Umar el-Shereef has decided to cut his medical visit to Germany short so that he could return to Egypt and celebrate the success of the revolution with his countrymen.‘Umar el-Shereef had left the country upon suffering acute pains and travelled to Germany to meet with doctors there in order to determine whether or not he needed surgical intervention. Prior to travelling, ‘Umar had announced his support for the Egyptian people’s right to choose their leader. He also averred that legitimacy was with the people and that the regime had lost its legitimacy. Following the ousting of the regime, ‘Umar el-Shereef congratulated the public for their victory and for their steadfastness.

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