The crew of the television series “al-Saf’ah” (“The Smack”) is undergoing preparations to travel to Syria during the middle of March in order to begin filming the work there. Producer Tamer Housny has stated that he will begin shooting the production in Syria. The team will then move on to Turkey to film scenes in that country before returning to Egypt to complete filming the series.The decision to begin shooting the television series follows a long period of preparation. Director Magdy Abou ‘Umeira has recently completed testing the production’s work crew.“al-Saf’ah” is an adaptation of a true story which involved Egyptian Intelligence and took place in Tel Aviv between 1957 and 1972. The work stars Shereef Mounir, Mohamed Ragab, ‘Ola Ghanem, Shereen Reda and Rasha al-Mahdy. The screenplay for the series was authored by Ahmed ‘Abd Al Fattah and the work is directed by Magdy Abou ‘Umeira.