String of withdrawals paralyze “Wahed Saheeh” (“The True One”)

  • News
  • 03:22 AM - 4 March 2011
  • 1 photo

Following a series of disagreements between produer Ahmed al-Sobkky and director Ahmed ‘Alaa, the director has apologized and withdrawn himself from Egyptian actor Hany Salameh’s latest work “Waheed Saheeh”.Salameh thus finds himself between a rock and a hard place as many of the performers who were offered roles in the production – with Menna Shalaby and Bassma being the most important – have also declined. Hany and al-Sobbky are now in negotiations with more than one director with the hope of settling on one who could see the work through. Filming was scheduled to begin at the start of the previous month of February but was delayed due to the prevailing circumstances.“Wahed Saheeh” features the talents of Hany Salameh, Nelly Karim, Rania Youssif and Yosra el-Lozy. Tamer Habib authored the screenplay for the title which assumes a romantic air and narrates a designer’s search for a bride. The designer subsequently finds himself in love with three women as each of them has a particular quality which he likes and eventually decides to marry all three.

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