Hend Sabry launches a 38 million dollar drive to fight food shortages in Libya

  • News
  • 11:12 AM - 6 March 2011
  • 6 photos

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Following the escalation of events in Libya actress Hend Sabry has commenced preparations to carry out a campaign to aid the Libyan people. Sabry is embarking on this pursuit in her capacity as ambassador to the UN’s World Food Program which seeks to combat famine. The actress stated: “The tragedy of the Libyan people supersedes all other Arab matters particularly because they are facing hunger due to Libya’s reliance on importing food from abroad. Thus the Libyan people are in need of receiving food aid.”Hend has developed an emergency aid program valued at 38 million dollars whereby the Libyan people will be supplied with food aid delivered through the Egyptian and Tunisian borders.

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