‘Adel Imam pleased to read his own obituary

  • News
  • 11:28 AM - 20 March 2011
  • 3 photos

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Following the recent circulation of rumors to the effect that actor ‘Adel Imam had died in a traffic accident while on his return journey from al-Fayyum, ‘Adel Imam has rebuffed the rumors personally in an interview with the al-‘Arabiyah network whereby he said: “I am well and there is nothing wrong.” He also added that he was pleased to read his own obituary without needing someone else to do it for him.Moreover ‘Adel Imam has stated that he is used to these sorts of rumors which appear every year or so for reasons that he does not understand.‘Adel Imam was the subject of such rumors on more than one occasion in the past, however this time the reports were circulated through Blackberry messages. The rumors have been attributed to Egyptian Television which has completely denied the accusation.

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