Durra portrays al-Rayyan’s first wife following Rania Youssif’s withdrawal from the work

  • News
  • 03:12 AM - 11 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Rania Youssif has affirmed that she has decided to withdraw from the leading role in the television series “al-Rayyan”. The work recounts the biography of Ahmed al-Rayyan, a figure who was involved in cases of money laundering in the 1980s. In a statement to the “al-Youm al-Sabe’” newspaper, Rania said that the reason for her withdrawal was that she could not read the entire screenplay for the work. Rania explains that the producing company had sent her the screenplay for only half of the episodes of the work whereupon Rania refused to sign the contract for the work until she had read the screenplay for the remaining episodes. Rania finally decided to withdraw from the work after her request was not met.The producing company behind “al-Rayyan” has decided to assign the lead to Tunisian actress Durra rather than Rania Youssif. Durra has expressed her preliminary acceptance for the role and it is expected that she will sign the contract for the work in the coming few days.The screenplay for the series is credited to Hazem al-Hadidy and Mahmoud al-Bizawy. Moreover the work is directed by Shereen ‘Adel and features Khaled Saleh, Riham ‘Abd Al Ghaffar and Basem Samra. The work is scheduled to air in the upcoming holy month of Ramadan.

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