Yosra terrorized by the media

  • News
  • 10:51 AM - 17 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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Renowned actress Yosra has attributed her lack of comment with regards to current events to health problems. Nevertheless the actress affirmed that she has favored silence due to the chaos in the media at present and the will to exact revenge and retaliate apparent on some of those who appear on television. Despite her absence the rumors directed at the actress recently have been intensive, that is according to a statement she gave to the al-Ahram newspaper. So much so in fact that she has felt that some intend to bring her down – this has left her feeling terrified from the media and from what has been happening lately in artistic circles.Yosra has decided not to present any television or cinema works this year due to the situation thus preferring to keep quiet until such a time that peace is restored.

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