Taamer Hosny flies to Dubai to finish his deal with “Al-Dhafra” channel

  • News
  • 12:32 PM - 27 April 2011
  • 3 photos

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Taamer Hosny is in Dubai along with actress Mai Ezzeddeen to attend the contract signature with Al-Dhafra channel to broadcast the series “Adam” during the next month of Ramadaan, according to “Bokra” website.It is scheduled to resume shooting after their return, so that it will be possible to broadcast the series in Ramadaan.Adam is Taamer’s first television attempt, in which he tries to renovate in the subject, direction techniques and the quick pace (tempo) of events.The series tells the story of a poor orphan, who is the only breadwinner of his family; his mother “Actress Afaaf Shoueib”, two sisters and a brother. The circumstances push him to work as a delivery boy. Hence, events develop.

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