Ghaada Abdul Raazek celebrates her daughter’s engagement

  • News
  • 06:18 AM - 15 June 2011
  • 4 photos

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Actor Ghaada Abdul Raazek revealed that her daughter’s engagement party will take place at a luxurious hotel in June 16, 2011. Ghaada expressed her happiness for her daughter’s engagement confirming that the groom is from outside the artistic community.MBC website revealed, according to trusted sources, that the groom to be is a Chief of Detectives. The engagement party will be limited to parents, relatives and friends, reporters and photographers will not be allowed to enter.Ghaada said that she was keen to invite the crew of her new TV series “Samaara”; she also added that she is optimistic towards the series, in which the shooting takes from 3 at the afternoon until midnight every day.

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