Haany Salaama: The female-stars retreat is the reason of the delay of “One whole”

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  • 11:37 AM - 23 June 2011
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Actor Haany Salaama confirmed that successive unjustified of the female stars is the main reason beyond the series of postponements of his new film “Waahed saheeh i.e. One whole”.Salaama did not find an explanation for these collective withdrawals, he said in an interview with “al-Masry al-Yom” newspaper: “Frankly, I do not know what they have in mind; probably each one of them was thinking that she deserves a greater importance in the film. Eventually, everyone has his/her own considerations, I do not have the right to interfere in and we all have to accept the results of our decisions”. About the early conflicts with the Censorship Authority, he said: “The conflict was because one of the main characters in the film is a Christian young lady. The Censorship Authority deals with such issues with high level of sensibility; the authority members were ELECTRIFIED when they knew that the film tells the story of a Christian girl and Moslem guy in love, without even knowing the details. Nevertheless, after that, we had a meeting with the Censorship Authority president Dr. Sayyed Khattab and some members; we told them more details about the character, they learned that there is no offence to any religion and finally they passed the film. The film talks about a love story between humans and has nothing to do with religions because it is a matter of emotions and it is not based on a decision”.Waael al-Baagoury’s “Waahed Saheeh” written by Taamer Habeeb is starring Haany Salaama, Basma, Rania Yousef, Kenda ‘Alloush and Yasmine Ra’ees.

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