Lamita Franjeyyeh: I play the glamour roles innocently

  • News
  • 01:49 PM - 2 July 2011
  • 5 photos

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According to “Akhbaar al-Nogoum” magazine, actor Lamita Franjeyyeh said that she plays glamour roles the innocent way. She confirmed that she is chosen for such roles because she performs this type innocently, with elegance and femininity, that is why producers pay her travel and residence expenses although there are many female actors in Egypt who can play glamour and at a lower cost.Lamita added that she has the ability to show all the required revelations; some see her very feminine and others see her as the sweet naughty girl, while she considers herself fit for all roles. She said: “It is true that God gave me the beauty, I do not deny that and it is the main reason for being famous, yet beauty must be supported with talent, charisma and studies”.

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