Mini series "Nagi Attallah" failed to complete episodes before Ramadan

  • News
  • 09:52 AM - 4 July 2011
  • 1 photo

The infamous Egyptian actor Adel Imam and his crew sadly were unable to complete the entire series of "Nagi Attallah" which was due to play on Egyptian Tv this coming Ramadan.The cast and crew have been facing severe challenges to finish the remaining scenes in the episodes due to the political instability in both Egypt and the Arab world said producer Safwat Ghattas.Producer added that they were scheduled to film in Syria but due to the ongoing revolution there was delay in paperwork, which forced the team to reschedule filming somewhere else and so on.We were faced by such challenges on a larger scope where we had to change the filming sites many times due to critical instability, which in turn delayed the appearance of the series in time for Ramadan, added producer Safwat Ghattas.There is still talk about whether the episodes will wait and play next ramadan 2012 or broadcast immediately once they episodes are completed. The later is what actor Adel Imam prefers as he is confident that his popularity will create a bigger percentage of viewers even outside the month of Ramadan.

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