Filming for the mini series "Adam" could continue in Upper Egypt until the 20th Ramadan

  • News
  • 11:21 PM - 9 July 2011
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Director Mohamed Samy is currently editing the first episode of the mini series "Adam" staring singer "Tamer Hosni" in preparation for broadcasting during the upcoming Ramadan.According to a statement that Tamer Hosni made for the newspaper "Al Masry AL Yom" said that after they finish shooting the inside and outside scenes they will head straight to Upper Egypt to shoot the final scenes in one of the small towns. Co staring in this mini series are actress "May Ezz El Deen", "Afaf Shoaib","Ahmed Zaher","Dina Fouad" and "Dorra" written by Ahmed ABu Zeid, directed by Mohamed Samy

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