Artist “Assi El Helani” starts rehearsing on stage for his play “From the days of Salah El Din”

  • News
  • 12:24 PM - 19 July 2011
  • 2 photos

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Artist “Assi El Helani” starts rehearsing on stage for his play “From the days of Salah El Din” Assi states that this play is not a biography of Sultan Salah El Din but it reflects the final battle he had with King Richard and the words they exchanged about the land and the real ownership of this land. The play highlights this period of “Sultan Salah El Din’s “life. In the play Assi demonstrates the strength, courage and tolerance of Salah El Din. The play is an open end play which means that it can contain several endings. Assi says that this work is different to the one he did in the past as this is theatrical drama, his previous play was more of a musical.

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