Actress Rania Youssef denies any arguments between her and actress Ghada Abdel Razek in their new movie.

  • News
  • 11:00 AM - 27 July 2011
  • 4 photos

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Rania Youssef said in a statement to Al Ahram Newspaper that all the rumors of arguments between her and actress Ghada Abdel Razek while working on their new movie were not true. It is expected that arguments might arise between 2 female actresses working in one set , yet this is not the case between them and anyone is welcome to join the set and see for themselves. Rania Youssef has a good relationship with Ghada ever since they worked together in the series “Al Hag Metwali’s family” As for the female competition , Rania’s reply to that was that each one of them had her own style and audience hence no space for comparison.

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