Egyptian actress “Wafaa Amer” announces copy rights to performing the first lady “Susan Mubarak”

  • News
  • 01:10 PM - 29 July 2011
  • 3 photos

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Although the script for the series “Needle Head “ that discusses the biography of the first lady Susan Mubarak has not been completed yet, but actress Wafaa Amer found it vital to announce copy rights to the role she will perform in the future portraying Suzan Mubarak. Producer Mohamed Fawzy who happens to be Wafaa’s husband as well said that he will produce this work and that they are just trying to follow measures to reserve this character so no one else takes it. The producer said to a Lebanese newspaper that the script writer is a young man who is writing the script now, but they are waiting for more events to unfold before they start filming the series.

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