Egyptian actress Tayseer Fahmy decided to pause all her film work to prepare for her political party

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  • 01:55 PM - 29 July 2011
  • 1 photo

Actress Tayseer Fahmy decided to pause all her work in the movie industry on halt to prepare for her political party called “The Equality and Development Party” Tayseer will start going on tour to promote for her party and educate the people about its goals and aims. According to “Ilaf” website she said that her aim to spread equality and social justice, according to a certain vision that her party adopts. Although she is the creator of the party but she has no problems with anyone else other than her leading the party as long as he fits the profile. Tayseer was one of the very famous actresses who were active in Tahrir during the revolution. She has a series that will play in Ramadan called “The Fugitive”

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