Actress Sabrine : Is scared of the arrival of the Salafi trend to power

  • News
  • 03:20 PM - 8 August 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Sabrine expressed her concern and fear of the Salafi trend reaching power as this means a slow end to the art and cinema in Egypt. She added that she is more towards being moderate when it comes to art and cinema. Also, according to her TV appearance with tv host Amr El Laithy in his program “no” she admitted that she has no problems working with the Muslim brotherhood Production company that they are planning to create. She feels that this will be the moderate trend she is looking for. Sabrine also added that she does not regret wearing the veil although It prevented her from participating in some roles, nevertheless she is glad she wore it. She played part in the series “Shiekh el Arab Hamam” last year.

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