Ghada Adel explains why she declined to work with Tamer Hosni and Hani Salama and her refusal to work with Mohamed Saad

  • News
  • 03:53 PM - 27 August 2011
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In an interview on the program “Check Mate” with the TV host Heba Al Abaseery, Ghada was explaining why she has been rejecting many roles that were recently offered to her. Ghada had declined to work with Tamer twice, the first time when she was offered a role in his movie “Caprain Heema” when later on actress Zeina accepted it instead. For this movie her husband Magdi El Hawari advised her not to take the role because it closely resembled a role she previously played in the movie “Belia and his stoned head” As for the second time it was for the series “Adam” and she did not actually decline the role but an argument between Ghada and the producing company over her desired wage was what made her refuse the offer. As for the movie “One Whole One” with actor Hani Salama, Ghada had asked for some minor changes in the script when it was still in the initial stages of compiling, but the changes weren’t made so Ghada had to decline the role. As for a costarring with Mohamed Saad, Ghada explained that he didn’t offer her a role in any of his recent movies, and that they haven’t worked together in years since they costarred in the movie “55 Ambulance” . She added that even if he had offered her a role, she would have declined anyway because of how actor Mohamed Saad always marginalizes his costars and enjoys pointing all the spot lights on him.

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