Singer Mohamed Monir is a candidate to costarr Somaya El Khashaab in the series "Shafika and Metwally"

  • News
  • 09:31 AM - 10 September 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Somaya El Khashaab along with director Hosni Saleh wish to continue representing Egyptian cinema classics in the form of television series. It is from there that they both decided to present the famous epic “Shafika and Metwally” that is originally taken from an Egyptian classic movie made in the year 1978, starring legendary Soaad Hosni, Ahmed Zaki and Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, and directed by infamous Aly Badrakhaan at the time.Both Somaya and Hosni are getting ready to present this idea in the form of a series in time for next Ramadan. In an interview with Panorama Drama channel, Somaya revealed that although they are still in the preparation phase, yet the most likely candidate to work alongside her is the singer Mohamed Monir, along with actor Asser Yassin.Somaya El Khashaab and Hosni Saleh have both worked together in the past presenting the series “Valley of the Kings” that played during Ramadan, and was a big success.

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